Global IFSC Code Finder Project Using PHP | PHPGurukul

IFSC Code Finder Project Using PHP

Project Introduction

IFSC Code Finder Project Using PHP is a web-based application that helps the user to find the IFSC code of any bank instantly. In “IFSC Code Finder Project”  we use PHP and MySQL database. It has two modules i.e. user and admin. In the present system, Users have to visit the bank to ask ISFC Code. This IFSC Code finder project helps the user to find IFSC Code online from anywhere.

Requirements of Project

Project NameIFSC Code Finder Project
Language UsedPHP5.6, PHP7.x
DatabaseMySQL 5.x
Web BrowserMozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
SoftwareXAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Features of the Project

In “IFSC Code Finder”  we use PHP and MySQL database. It has two modules i.e.

  • User
  • Admin


User can visit the website and search for the IFSC code by using bank name, branch name, and Pincode/zipcode.


Admin will be the user of this project who can control the whole website.

Dashboard: In this section, admin can the brief info about banks, states, cities.

Add pages: In this section, the admin can add the new bank, state, city, and details about a particular bank branch.

Manage Pages: In this section, admin can manage the bank, state, city, and bank details. Here admin can delete and edit the particular record.

Profile: In this section, admin can update their own profile.

Setting: In this section, admin changes their own password.

Admin can also recover their own password.

Output Screen of the Project

Home Page

IFSCCODE Finder Home Page

IFSC CODE Search Result

IFSCCODE Finder Search Result

Admin Dashboard

IFSCCODE Finder Admin Dashboard

Add Bank Details

IFSCCODE Finder Add Bank Details

How to run the IFSC Code Finder Project using PHP

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Extract the file and copy ifscfinder folder
  3. Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/html)
  4. Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
  5. Create a database with name ifscdb
  6. Import ifscdb.sql file(given inside the zip package in SQL file folder)
  7. Run the script http://localhost/ifscfinder (frontend)

Credential for admin panel :
Username: admin
Password: Test@123

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