Which countries earn the most from tourism?

Which countries earn the most from tourism?

Which countries earn the most from tourism?

In 2017, Spain climbed from third to second place as the most frequented destination by foreign tourists with 81.8 million, only behind France, which received 86.9 million foreign visitors last year, and ahead of the US and China, according to the latest data published by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

If we look at the total expenditure of tourists in each country, the ranking changes significantly since the US wins by a landslide with revenues of 210,700 million dollars (181,797 million euros). Spain does maintain the second position on this list, with 68,000 million dollars (58,672 million euros) in 2017. This figure will possibly be surpassed this year since during the first eight months of this year the total expenditure of international tourists has reached 62,230 million euros, according to data just published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The podium is completed by France, with 60,700 million dollars (52,373 million euros).

CountryInternational tourism receipts (millions of dollars)

  1. 1. USA210,000
  2. 2. Spain _68,000
  3. 3. France60,700
  4. 4. Thailand _57,500
  5. 5. United Kingdom51,200
  6. 6. Italy _44,200
  7. 7. Australia41,700
  8. 8. Germany39,800
  9. 9. Macau (China)35,600
  10. 10. Japan34,100

Professional Technician in Tourism

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Finally, the tourist environment is a fundamental pillar of the economies of nations. Well, we strive to optimize it and get the most out of it. Since it can offer us many opportunities of a cultural, economic, and social nature, etc.

On the other hand, here lies the importance of knowing how: how much does an alternative tourism graduate earn? And how much does a tourism graduate earn per month?

How much do graduates of the Tourism career in Peru earn?

Tourism  is a profession whose object of study is the administration, management, and creation of tourism and hotel service companies. It is based on the ability to understand, describe and analyze the socioeconomic environment of the country’s tourist activity. 

Its professionals have an aptitude for the exercise of management and management of tourism companies, and hotels related to leisure and free time. Having as a framework of action the principles and values, ethical, moral, and humanistic with a critical and reflective sense of society.

Within the family of careers that it groups together, we find, for example,  Tourism and Hospitality, and International Business and Tourism.

Graduates of careers related to the Administration of Tourist Services, Hospitality, and Gastronomy receive an average salary of S/2,199 per month, in a range that goes from S/1.00 to S/3,900 per month. This, is according to data from Ponte en Carrera, the portal of the Ministry of Education (Mined).

If you are interested in this career, and you are looking for where to study it, knowing where the best-paid tourism professionals graduated from will be a good point of reference.

The 10 best salaries of professionals who graduated from the Tourism career in Peru

Ponte en Carrera elaborates has information on the salaries of professional careers in the country. It should be noted that this ranking considers workers with dependent employment in Peru, whether in the private or public sector, whose remuneration is equal to or greater than the minimum wage.

For this, the information from the 2017 electronic payroll of the Ministry of Labor and the base of graduates reported by Minedu is used.

  • At the Catholic University of Santa María de Arequipa, with a degree in Tourism and Hospitality, its graduates receive an average salary of S/1,952.
  • At the Andean University of Cusco, with a Tourism career, the average monthly income of its graduates is S/1,969.
  • At the National University of Cajamarca, with the Tourism and Hospitality career, the monthly income of graduates is S / 1,971 on average
  • At the Inca Garcilaso University of La Vega de Lima, in the Tourism and Hospitality career, its graduates receive a monthly income of S/2,057, on average.
  • At the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, in Loreto, in the International Business and Tourism career, its graduates earn an average of S/2,239 per month.
  • At the San Martín de Porres University, in Lima, with a degree in Tourism and Hospitality. The monthly income of the graduates of said career is S / 2,421.
  • At Ricardo Palma University, in Lima, with the Tourism, Hospitality, and Gastronomy career, the monthly income of its graduates is S/2,476 on average.
  • At the San Ignacio de Loyola University, in Lima, with a Tourism Administration degree, its graduates receive an average monthly salary of S/2,745.
  • At the  Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, in Lima, with a Tourism Administration career, the average monthly salary of its graduates is S/2,867.
  • At the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC), in Lima, with the Tourism and Hospitality Administration, and Tourism and Administration careers, its graduates have an average monthly salary of S/3,473.

careers Todas Administración y Afines Agronomía Alta Costura Antropología Arqueología Arquitectura y afines Artes Escénicas y afines Artes Liberales Artes Plásticas y afines Bacteriología Bibliotecología Bioingeniería Biología y afines Cartografía Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales Ciencias Sociales Cine, Televisión y afines Comercio Exterior, Negocios Internacionales y afines Comunicación e Información Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Inmuebles Contabilidad y afines Criminalística, investigación judicial Cultura Fisíca y Deporte Derecho Desarrollo de Joyas, Bolsos y Calzado Diseño de Interiores Diseño de Medios Interactivos Diseño de Modas Diseño Gráfico Diseño Industrial Ecología y Afines Economía y afines Economía y Negocios Internacionales Educación Básica Educación Media Educación para otras modalidades Educación Preescolar Electricidad Industrial Enfermería Filosofía Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales Física Formación de Empresarios Fotografía Gastronomía Geociencias Geografía Geología Gestión Empresarial Gestión Financiera Gestión Portuaria Gestión y Desarrollo Urbano Historia Ingeniería Administrativa Ingeniería Aeronáutica Ingeniería Agrícola Ingeniería Agroindustrial Ingeniería Ambiental Ingeniería Biomédica Ingeniería Civil Ingeniería Comercial Ingeniería de Alimentos y Afines Ingeniería de Diseño de Producto Ingeniería de Minas Ingeniería de Petróleos Ingeniería de Procesos Ingeniería de Producción Ingeniería de Sistemas y Afines Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones Ingeniería Eléctrica Ingeniería Electromecánica Ingeniería Electrónica Ingeniería Financiera Ingeniería Física Ingeniería Forestal Ingeniería Geológica Ingeniería Industrial Ingeniería Informática Ingeniería Materiales Ingeniería Mecánica Ingeniería Mecatrónica Ingeniería Metalúrgica Ingeniería Multimedia Ingeniería Pesquera Ingeniería Química Ingeniería Textil Instrumentación Quirúrgica Jurisprudencia Lenguas Modernas y Afines Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil Literatura, Lingüística y Afines Matemáticas, Estadística y Afines Medicina Medicina Veterinaria Mercadeo Mercadeo Internacional Microbiología Museología Música y afines Nutrición y Dietética Obstetricia Odontología Operación Logística Optometría Pedagogía Reeducativa Procesos Industriales Programación de Computadores Psicología Publicidad y afines Química Farmaceútica Química y afines Salud Ocupacional Sistemas de Información Sociología Talento Humano Teología y afines Terapia física, fisioterapia y afines Terapia Ocupacional Terapia Respiratoria Trabajo social Turismo, Hotelería y Afines Zootecnia 

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