Acorn Engineering Plumbing Products and Justice System Design: Improving Living Standards

At a certain point, the purpose of prisons and institutions is to rehabilitate inmates, rather than to provide punitive retribution. In many ways, it does a service to society to aim for rehabilitation instead of retribution. It certainly sets a good standard, at least in principle.

In practice, this requires institutions to establish protocols for a transition back to normal life. One of these is to provide for relatively independent living. Some inmates are granted certain liberties to help them acclimate to the transition, including independent living quarters.

The aim is noble, but there are risks associated with this lofty goal. An entity you wouldn’t expect – a plumbing manufacturer, specifically Acorn Engineering – is making it better for everyone.

Here are the risks faced and how Acorn Engineering plumbing parts and products are making a difference.

Transitioning to Normal Life and Risks Associated
It’s a big shock for many inmates going from an institution to “the outside” as it’s been said. There are many jarring differences between constant oversight and utter freedom. Many may struggle with the transition.

But the goal is to prevent reincarceration and to do that, justice systems have placed an emphasis on providing prisoners with an opportunity to adjust to a certain level of “simulated” independence by providing them with independent living quarters.

Doing so helps to provide an atmosphere that is as near as possible to outside independent living while remaining within the confines of an institution.

In some instances, independent living quarters consist of a fully-furnished apartment with many of the amenities that would be available to an outsider. The goal is to help inmates re-acclimate themselves to this standard of living while minimizing the shock that would occur from abrupt release.

Unfortunately, as might be expected, it’s more of a challenge for some than it is for others. One of the keys to inmate safety is the development and deployment of plumbing fixtures known as “ligature resistant fixtures.”

Plumbing and Ligatures
This is where things get tricky when it comes to planning for and designing independent living quarters. There is no single authority governing the data that is about to be presented, but the takeaways are moving nonetheless.

Every year, all too many inmates take their own lives. Figures vary, but some reports indicate that there were over 4,000 suicides in state and local jails between 2001 and 2019. Unfortunately, that figure appears to be increasing.

More disturbing is the method. Inmates are limited in their access to outside tools and resources and often resort to hanging or strangulation. Clothing, sheets, towels, and other seemingly harmless items can be manipulated into what is known as a “ligature” for such unfortunate purposes. A ligature. therefore, is anything that can be used to bind two items together – much in the same fashion as a rope.

As a result, it has become a point of intense focus to develop ligature-resistant plumbing fixtures that make it difficult if not impossible to affix a ligature to them.

How Acorn Engineering Plumbing Products Are Making a Difference
Acorn Engineering has specifically paved the way with ligature-resistant designs that are purpose-built to be used in institutions. Many Acorn Engineering plumbing parts and products – including toilets, urinals, combies, sinks, showerheads, drinking fountains, and even supporting accessories like bottle filling stations, are ligature resistant.

These purpose-built products help to eliminate the risk of self–harm posed by inmates in independent living situations.

Where You Can Get Genuine Acorn Products
If you’re responsible for outfitting an institution and are facing a redesign, a renovation, or the construction of a brand new facility, ligature-resistant facilities may be of the utmost importance.

You’ll readily find countless high-quality, authentic Acorn Engineering plumbing parts and products conveniently online at Quality Plumbing Supply ( Take a look through their catalog and get in touch with them directly if you need assistance at either or 1-833-251-4591.

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