Apartment Visitors Management System Developed using CodeIgniter

Project NameApartment Visitors Management System Developed using CodeIgniter
Language UsedPHP5.6, PHP7.x
CodeIgniter Version3.1.11
DatabaseMySQL 5.x
Web BrowserMozilla, Google Chrome, IE8, OPERA
SoftwareXAMPP / Wamp / Mamp/ Lamp (anyone)

Apartment Visitors Management System in CodeIgniter

AVMS developed using CodeIgniter Framework. This is the project which keeps records of visitors who visited in the company.

AVMS has one module i.e admin.

  1. Dashboard: In this sections, admin can briefly view how many visitors visited in a particular period.
  2. Visitors: In this section, admin adds new visitors by filling their information in add visitors sections and also view and manage visitors records. Admin also put visitors out time in the manage records section.
  3. Search: In this bar, admin can search a particular person by their name and phone number.
  4. Reports: In this section admin can generate visitors reports between two dates.

Admin can also update his profile, change password and recover password.

Project Package contents

Project ScreenShots

Login Screen
Add Visitor
Admin Dashboard

Blog : https://phpgurukul.com/apartment-visitors-management-system-developed-using-codeigniter/

How to run the Apartment Visitors Management System (AVMS) Project

1. Download the  zip file

2. Extract the file and copy avms-ci folder

3.Paste inside root directory(for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/html)

4. Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)

5. Create a database with name avmsdb

6. Import avmsdb.sql file (given inside the zip package in SQL file folder)

7.Run the script http://localhost/avms-ci (frontend)

Credential for admin panel :

Username: admin

Password: Test@12345

Website : https://phpgurukul.com

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