How To Fix Gmail Spam Filter Not Working Problem?

Gmail Spam Filter Not Working

In today’s scenario, phishing or spamming is most common in the world of the Internet and no one is untouched by it who is using Gmail or any other emailing service. Almost 80% of the total emails received by anyone are spam.  These spam emails might be malicious or they can harm your productivity. 

If you are one who is getting frustrated with such a large number of junk in your inbox, then   how will you combat it?

Getting a spam email is not astounding as many Gmail users have reported receiving numerous spam emails. They are annoyed with it and want to get rid of the issue as soon as possible. 

That’s why Gmail has launched a robust spam filter that will help you in getting rid of such bulk emails in spam.

How Does Gmail Spam Filter Work?

There are many ways to check whether it is spam or not. Gmail checks the spam by the domain of the sender, that is it blacklisted in the Gmail database or not.

If there is any suspicion of a malicious link, then Gmail compares it with the recipient’s incoming emails and confirms its spammy nature.

Sometimes spelling or grammatical mistakes in the words that are heavily inserted into the email make Gmail anticipate it is spam. 

The newest AI feature of Gmail helps in knowing the nature of email whether it is spam or not and can block spam messages to fall into your inbox.

As nothing can happen in the world of technology and your Gmail spam filter not working might be one of them.

How Do We Troubleshoot Gmail Filter Not Working?

 If your Gmail spam filter is not working and all the important emails are landing in spam, then how will you fix the Gmail spam filter not working issue? Here are some troubleshooting tips to fix the issue

  1. Avoid marking any spam email as “Not Spam”  mistakenly. Because this may lead to landing many spam emails in your inbox. 
  2. Don’t select “Override Filters” at a time as they will override and the important email goes to spam, so make it  “Don’t override filters” and you will get rid of the issue.
  3. Stop clicking on the “Spam Unsubscribe Link” as it will take you in the problem and redirect you to a site that seems authentic but actually it is the place of hackers who can steal your data. It may be the culprit of the Gmail filter not working issue. 
  4. When your Gmail filter is not working rather, you have another most effective spam filter in any other email account, then you can import it from there and make your Gmail spam filter work efficiently like before. 
  5. If your Gmail spam filter is not working, then you can update the spam filter by clicking on the “Update Filter” button in the “Gmail Settings” section and fix the issue.

So, we have made you aware of some common tips to get rid of the Gmail spam filter not working issue. Try it before moving to the help support team to fix the issue. 

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