The school year’s not quite out – which means summer is on the way – which means one thing.
Time to prepare for next school year! You can never be too early.
Being ready means having a plan in place. You want to make sure, as sure as possible, at least, that everything you send your scholars to school with, comes back with them.
So we’ve put together this basic list of 10 things you definitely want to label with kids’ labels for school, before the first day!
1. Rulers
Rulers are cheap school supplies, and some schools provide them, so you might be thinking, “why even bother?”
Well, sure, rulers are inexpensive. But they’re easy to label, and a few dimes make a dollar, so to speak.
Plus, they usually all look the same, so if you want to get yours back, you’d better be prepared.
2. Calculators
Rulers may be inexpensive. Calculators are not.
Label them before you send the kids to school and help prevent a costly misplacement or loss.
3. Pens, markers and pencils too!
Pens and markers are easy to label and, being the roly-poly little things that they are, tend to roll right off desks and onto the floor, from which point they will often be expediently brushed into the garbage or end up in the community pencil bucket.
Since pens and markers are long-lasting and reusable, you’ll want to label them.
Pencils, wooden or mechanical, deserve a label too!
4. Notebooks, folders and binders
Notebooks, folders and binders can look the same. Label them with your child’s name and if you want to be a little more organized label them with school subject labels that not only have their name on them, but also an area to write the school subject and teachers name as well..
And while you’re at it – label school-issued textbooks, too, to prevent lost books.
5. Wired earphones
School typically requires one pair of headphones each year. These are, unfortunately, easy to lose but still easy to label. Don’t forget to wrap the wires with a label to prevent them from getting lost!
6. Pencil cases
If you’re not going to label each individual pen, marker and other writing implements in your child’s pencil pouch or hard care, the least you can do is label the case itself.
If the whole thing gets misplaced, at least getting it back with most (if not all) of its contents can save you some headaches!
7. Outerwear (hats, gloves, and coats)
Your kids will likely take off their hats, gloves, sweatshirts, and coats once they get into school. After that, it can be a free-for-all, especially when kids have similar (or the same!) coats and other outerwear.
Don’t let gym or coming in from recess become a nightmare. Label them all! Even if it ends up in lost and found, you’ll get back the one you paid for.
8. Shoes
And don’t forget shoes, especially if you send your child to school with more than one pair or they play sports that require other shoes. It’s easy to lose these or get them mixed up, too.
9. Water bottles and lunch boxes
Water bottles, food containers, and lunch boxes can get lost just as easily as kids’ coats, outerwear, and shoes. Some classes actually encourage kids to keep their lunch boxes in a common container when they go to the cafeteria or out to recess.
Telling them apart can be tough – unless you’ve made wise use of kids’ labels for school! They will last the entire school year as their waterproof and dishwasher safe.
10. Show and Tell items, books and more
Often with little notice kids are asked to bring in show and tell items, they may bring a reading book from home, or may be spending the night with a friend.
Have name labels on hand to label it all.
Where Can You Get High-Quality Kids Labels for School?
Looking for high-quality kids’ labels for school, that are available in a wide range of sizes, compatible with multiple materials, and can be personalized?
Visit Sticky Monkey at and stock up – they sell them in sets so you can get everything you need in one swoop – and they sell kids’ clothes labels (both iron-on and stick-on), too!
For more information about Name Stickers and Washable Labels For Clothing Please visit: Sticky Monkey Labels.